Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools

(ProTools 24)


Proposed to be held in conjunction with SC24: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, and supported by the Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing (VI-HPS).

When: November 18, 2024, 9:00am-12:30pm

Where: Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, Room B311


Understanding program behavior is critical to overcome the expected architectural and programming complexities, such as limited power budgets, heterogeneity, hierarchical memories, shrinking I/O bandwidths, and performance variability, that arise on modern HPC platforms. To do so, HPC software developers need intuitive support tools for debugging, performance measurement, analysis, and tuning of large-scale HPC applications. Moreover, data collected from these tools such as hardware counters, communication traces, and network traffic can be far too large and too complex to be analyzed in a straightforward manner. We need new automatic analysis and visualization approaches to help application developers intuitively understand the multiple, interdependent effects that algorithmic choices have on application correctness or performance.

The Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools) brings together HPC application developers, tool developers, and researchers from the visualization, performance, and program analysis fields for an exchange of new approaches to assist developers in analyzing, understanding, and optimizing programs for extreme-scale platforms.

Workshop Topics

  • Performance tools for scalable parallel platforms
  • Debugging and correctness tools for parallel programming paradigms
  • Scalable displays of performance data
  • Case studies demonstrating the use of performance visualization in practice
  • Program development tool chains (incl. IDEs) for parallel systems
  • Methodologies for performance engineering
  • Data models to enable scalable visualization
  • Graph representation of unstructured performance data
  • Tool technologies for extreme-scale challenges (e.g., scalability, resilience, power)
  • Tool support for accelerated architectures and large-scale multi-cores
  • Presentation of high-dimensional data
  • Visual correlations between multiple data source
  • Measurement and optimization tools for networks and I/O
  • Tool infrastructures and environments
  • Human-Computer Interfaces for exploring performance data
  • Multi-scale representations of performance data for visual exploration
  • Application developer experiences with programming and performance tools

Previous Workshops

The ProTools workshop combines two prior SC workshops: the Workshop on Visual Performance Analytics (VPA) and the Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (ESPT).


Call for Papers

We solicit papers that focus on performance, debugging, and correctness tools for parallel programming paradigms as well as techniques and case studies at the intersection of performance analysis and visualization.

Authors must submit their papers in PDF format using the IEEE proceedings template available here. Templates are available for Word and LaTeX. Papers must have between 6 and 12 pages, including references and figures.

All papers must be submitted through the Supercomputing 2024 Linklings site. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the SC24 workshop proceedings.

Reproducibility at ProTools24

For ProTools24, we adopt the model of the SC24 technical paper program. Participation in the reproducibility initiative is optional, but highly encouraged. To participate, authors provide a completed Artifact Description Appendix (at most 2 pages) along with their submission. We will use the format of the SC24 appendix for ProTools submissions (see template). Note: A paper cannot be disqualified based on information provided or not provided in this appendix, nor if the appendix is not available. The availability and quality of an appendix can be used in ranking a paper. In particular, if two papers are of similar quality, the existence and quality of the appendices can be part of the evaluation process. For more information, please refer to the SC24 reproducibility page and the FAQs below.

FAQ for authors

Q. Is the Artifact Description appendix required in order to submit a paper to ProTools 24?

A. No. These appendices are not required. If you do not submit any appendix, it will not disqualify your submission. At the same time, if two papers are otherwise comparable in quality, the existence and quality of appendices can be a factor in ranking one paper over another.

Q. Do I need to make my software open source in order to complete the Artifacts Description appendix?

A. No. It is not required that you make any changes to your computing environment in order to complete the appendix. The Artifacts Description appendix is meant to provide information about the computing environment you used to produce your results, reducing barriers for future replication of your results.

Q. Does the Artifacts Description appendix really impact scientific reproducibility?

A. The Artifacts Description appendix is simply a description of the computing environment used to produce the results in a paper. By itself, this appendix does not directly improve scientific reproducibility. However, if this artifact is done well, it can be used by scientists (including the authors at a later date) to more easily replicate and build upon the results in the paper. Therefore, the Artifacts Description appendix can reduce barriers and costs of replicating published results. It is an important first step toward full scientific reproducibility.


Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: August 2 extended August 9, 2024 (AoE)
  • Notification of acceptance: August 30 extended September 2, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: September 15, 2024
  • Workshop: November, 18 2024 (9am-12:30pm)

Workshop Chairs

Kate Isaacs, SCI Institute, The University of Utah, USA
Carmen Navarrete, Leibniz Supercomputing Center (LRZ), Germany
Emmanuelle Saillard, Inria, France
David Boehme, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

Program Committee

Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Paratools
Jens Domke, Riken
Takanori Fujiwara, Linköping University
Michael Gerndt, TU Munich
Kevin Huck, University of Oregon
Andreas Knuepfer, HZDR
Masaaki Kondo, Riken
Jonathan Madsen, AMD
Allen Malony, University of Oregon
John Mellor-Crummey, Rice University
Paul Rosen, University of Utah
Lucas Mello Schnorr, Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio
Nathan Tallent, PNNL
Ahmad Tarraf, TU Darmstadt
Josef Weidendorfer, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, TU Munich
Brian J. N. Wylie, Juelich Supercomputing Centre


Technical Program

  • 9:00 - 9:05 am
    Welcome (Kate Isaac and David Boehme)

  • 9:05 - 9:40 am
    Invited talk by Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Paratools Inc.
    Challenges and Opportunities for Tools in a Changing HPC Landscape

    HPC is undergoing profound changes as AI workloads reshape hardware architectures, directly impacting software development. This shift has led to increased diversity in software stacks, with higher-level languages and new parallel programming interfaces emerging. In this evolving landscape, we aim to highlight the critical role of tools in addressing these shifting demands. Our discussion will start by examining the nature of current HPC tools and then explore how modern software stacks are promoting tools to first-class citizens within their ecosystems. Specifically, we will discuss shifts in runtimes, the motivations behind the MPI ABI for Tools, and the growing importance of Python and Rust leading to ‘Interfaces’ between languages and components. We will also emphasize the associated challenges in monitoring these increasingly complex systems. We argue that now, more than ever, robust tools are essential for enabling end-users to efficiently harness the capabilities of a given hardware platform.

  • 9:40 - 10:00 am
    An Incremental Multi-Level, Multi-Scale Approach to Assessment of Multifidelity HPC Systems
    Dr. Shilpika, Dr. Lusch, Dr. Vishwanath, Dr. Papka

  • 10:00 - 10:30 am - break

  • 10:30 - 11:18 am
    Are noise-resilient Logical Timers useful for Performance Analysis
    Dr. Corbin, Mrs. Daoud, Dr. Mohr, Dr. Morais, Dr. Wolf

    Performance Measurement on Heterogeneous Processors with PAPI
    Dr. Weaver, Mx. Cunningham

    Overhead-Guided Instrumentation Refinement
    Mr. Kreutzer, Mr Arzt, Mr. Rickert, Dr. Lehr, Dr. Iwainsky, Prof. Bischof

  • 11:18 - 12:30 am
    Inspection of I/O Operations from System Call Traces using Directly-Follows-Graph
    Mr. Sankaran, Mr. Zhukov,Dr. Frings, Prof. Bientinesi

    Analyzing HPC Utilization with PIKA and Vampir
    Mr. Williams, Mr. Knespel, Mr. Winkler, Mr Wesarg

    P-MOVE: Performance Monitoring Visualization with Encoded Knowledge
    Mr. Tasyaran, Mr. Yasal, Mr. Morgado, Dr. Ilic, Dr. Unat, Dr. Kaya

    ActorProf: A Framework for Profiling and Visualizing Fine-grained Asynchronous Parallel Execution
    Mr. Yang, Mr. Singhal, Dr. Hayashi, Dr. Sarkar